Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to find freedom from your hurts, hang-ups, and habits. This Christ-centered, 12-step program is for everyone! If there’s any issue in your life that is holding you back or causing you pain, Celebrate Recovery is for you.

Abandonment-Abuse-Alcohol-Anger-Anxiety-Betrayal-Codependency-Critical Spirit-Depression-Divorce-Drugs-Eating Disorders-Family Problems-Fear-Gambling-Grief-Guilt-Internet-Job Loss-Low Self-Esteem-Need to Control-Nicotine-Overspending-People Pleasing-Perfectionism-Pornography-Pride-PTSD-Relationship-Sexual Addiction-Stealing-Stress-Workaholism

Celebrate Recovery will begin on Thursday, January 23, and will meet from 6:00-8:00pm every Thursday evening at the South Campus building, 224 North State Street, Geneseo.

Questions? Contact Yvette Biddle at y.biddle@peopleneedjesus.org or 309-944-2793.