Membership Affirmation

Our transition away from the United Methodist Church denomination is a step-by-step process. One step is a requirement put forth by the UMC for each current member of the church who wishes to remain a member in the future to positively affirm this in writing or via an online form. (Under conference rules, those who do not make this affirmation will automatically have their membership transferred to another church on their behalf by the UMC.)

Pastor Chris provides more details about this membership affirmation in a letter to church members. Click here to read it.

If you are currently a member of Geneseo First Methodist and want to continue to be a member moving forward, please complete the form below:

Following the 2023 disaffiliation process, I intend my church membership to be in Geneseo First Methodist Church where I will be faithful in my prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.