We believe in teaching the Word of God.
We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and value the reading, teaching, and preaching of the Word in order to understand God, the world, others, and ourselves. Life is complex and often heartbreaking; we believe the answers to life's big questions are found in knowing and following Jesus Christ. Studying His teachings is one of the best ways for us to get closer to Him.
First Methodist archives the weekly messages taught in our services via our YouTube channel. Stream any of these teachings below.
Message: Be Still and Know by Tim Brinkman, 12/27/20. Tim Brinkman shares insight on the true meaning of the phrase "be still" in Psalm 46 and how God challenges us in this scripture to a radical kind of surrender to His power and faithfulness in our lives.
This Changes Everything - Part 5 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 12/24/20. In this special message for Geneseo First Methodist’s Candlelight Christmas Eve service, Pastor Chris continues teaching through the Gospel of Luke with a message about the birth of Jesus and the hope it brings to us even to this day.
Message: This Changes Everything - Part 4 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 12/20/20.Pastor Chris teaches through Luke 1:39-66 and speaks on the importance of community as exemplified in the bond of friendship and support between Mary and Elizabeth.
Message: This Changes Everything - Part 3 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 12/13/20. Pastor Chris asks a question in this third installment in the "This Changes Everything” series: "What is our reponse to 'God with us’?" Teaching through Luke 1:26-38 and sharing Mary's response to the news that she was to give birth to Jesus, Pastor Chris challenges us to respond with an openness to God and a holy “yes” to his leading in our lives.
Message: This Changes Everything - Part 2 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 12/6/20. Pastor Chris continues with part two of "This Changes Everything" as he teaches through Luke 1:5-25, the story of Elizabeth and Zechariah. This God-serving couple had long prayed for a child yet remained childless into their advanced age; in this passage, they are visited by an angel who brings them the astonishing news that despite their age they're to have a baby. "One thing I'm touched by in this story is God going out of the way to tell Elizabeth and Zecheriah, 'This baby is going to be a blessing and a joy to you,'" shares Pastor Chris. "Prayer is most powerful when we marry our needs to God's divine purpose."
Message: This Changes Everything - Part 1 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 11/29/20. Beginning an in-depth message series through the Gospel of Luke, Pastor Chris introduces this as a book of earth-shaking events. “Luke wants people to know the truth,” shares Pastor Chris. “Luke is basing his gospel on eyewitnesses... he wants to tell the story as a journalist would tell the story.”
Message: Know Fooling Part 4: What Kind of Fool? by Pastor Chris Ritter, 11/15/20. In this concluding message in the “Know Fooling” series, Pastor Chris shares different kinds of fools illustrated in Proverbs (the lazy fool, the babbling fool, the Godless fool) and then reveals the one kind of foolishness God encourages: being a "fool for Christ” (1 Corinthians 1:18).
Message: Know Fooling Part 3: Chain of Fools by Pastor Chris Ritter, 11/8/20. Pastor Chris continues through Proverbs with a message that reveals how foolishness is passed from person to person and how breaking that chain is often about the choices we make and the company we keep.
Message: Know Fooling Part 2: What A Fool Believes by Pastor Chris Ritter, 11/1/20. The book of Proverbs reveals wisdom not just in examples of the right thing to do, but the wrong path to avoid, and Pastor Chris shares many of these warnings in this message.
Message: Know Fooling - Part 1 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 10/25/20. Pastor Chris launches a new message series based in Proverbs.
Message: Radiate - Part 5 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 10/18/20. In this final chapter in the "Radiate" message series, Pastor Chris begins by sharing a historical background…
Message: Radiate - Part 4 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 10/11/20. Continuing the "Radiate" message series, Pastor Chris preaches from 1 and 2 Corinthians and Matthew 5 on God’s principles for giving.
Message: Radiate - Part 3 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 10/4/20. Pastor Chris challenges us about something simple that suddenly became more complicated in 2020: attending church.
Message: Radiate - Part 2 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 9/27/20. In part two of the "Radiate" messsage series, Pastor Chris teaches about “good deeds.”
Message: Radiate - Part 1 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 9/20/20. "Are you contagious?" asks Pastor Chris as he opens his new message series, "Radiate."
Message: Walking In The Spirit - Part 3 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 8/30/20. Teaching through the Gospel of John chapters 14-17, Pastor Chris shares Jesus’ words on the Holy Spirit: “It is for your good I am going away... Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you.” Knowing we have been given this incredible gift, Pastor Chris urges us to “walk in tune with the Holy Spirit.”
Message: Walking In The Spirit - Part 2 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 8/23/20. What is the opposite of walking in the Spirit? In Part 2 of this series, Pastor Chris explains that walking in the flesh is what is diametrically opposed to us living in step with God’s leading. Teaching again from Galatians 5, Pastor Chris puts it this way: “Sometimes we think freedom is do whatever I want to do whenever I want to do it. But living that life leads to the greatest enslavement that we could possibly experience.”
Message: Beyond the Mask by Tim Brinkman, 8/9/20. Teaching from Matthew 6, Tim Brinkman shares Jesus' warning: "Do not be like the hypocrites," literally "stage actors,” who make a show of their supposed good deeds.
Message: Greater Than - Part 6 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 7/12/20. In Part 6 of the Greater Than message series, Pastor Chris gets to what he terms “the best stuff” in the book of Hebrews as he teaches through chapter ten and the challenge that lies within to apply its themes to our lives. “He didn’t promise us a safe journey, he just promised us a safe landing,” Pastor Chris reminds us as we are encouraged to hold fast to Christ in turbulent times.
Message: Greater Than - Part 5 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 7/5/20. In chapters eight through ten of Hebrews, Pastor Chris teaches about the blood of Christ.
Message: Greater Than - Part 4 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 6/28/20. Continuing the "Greater Than" series, Pastor Chris teaches through chapters four and five about Melchizedek, a mysterious figure who appears in Genesis, Psalms, and finally here in the book of Hebrews. Building on the theme of Jesus being greater than even the greatest of Old Testament figures, Pastor Chris explains how these scriptures reinforce the supremacy and finality of Christ.
Message: Greater Than - Part 3 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 6/21/20. In this message Pastor Chris takes a "detour" to break down some of the most difficult passages of Hebrews while challenging us to a deeper understanding of not just this book but the entire Bible.
Message: Greater Than - Part 2 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 6/14/20. The message series Greater Than: Jesus In The Book Of Hebrews continues with Pastor Chris explaining how the teaching found in Hebrews 3:3 that "Jesus has been found worthy of greater honor than Moses" would have been a radical revelation to its Jewish audience in its day.
Message: Greater Than - Part 1 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 6/7/20. Launching a new series, Greater Than: Jesus In The Book Of Hebrews, Pastor Chris begins teaching through what he refers to as "kind of a mystery book." Its human author may be unknown, but the mission of Hebrews is crystal clear: to definitively state the case for the supremacy and finality of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
Message: Pentecost by Pastor Carolyn Moore, 5/31/20. Guest speaker Pastor Carolyn Moore shares a message on Pentecost Sunday about the power of the Holy Spirit.
Message: Graduation Sunday 2020 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 5/24/20. Pastor Chris—as the Apostle Paul—delivers a message especially for our 2020 graduates.
Message: House Arrest Part 5 by Pastor Chris Ritter & Pastor Tony Gatter, 5/17/20. The fifth and final installment of the House Arrest series finds Pastor Chris teaming up with an old friend, Pastor Tony Gatter, who grew up at Geneseo First Methodist before heading to seminary in Georgia. Together, they co-preach this message from Philippians 2 about how Christ Himself was the ultimate example of how to live in limited circumstances.
Message: House Arrest Part 3 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 5/3/20. Pastor Chris preaches Part 3 of the House Arrest series from Philippians 4, explaining how the Apostle Paul's "thank-you note" to the church in Philippi serves as an example of how gratitude changes us from the inside out and showing how the most famous part of this chapter, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" is not so much but about us but about the Savior who empowers us.
Message: House Arrest Part 2 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 4/26/20. Part 2 of the House Arrest message series finds Pastor Chris teaching through Philippians 3 as he highlights the example of the Apostle Paul to encourage us to use these times of limited freedom to allow God to deepen our faith and enrich our spiritual lives.
Message: House Arrest Part 1 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 4/19/20. With nearly the entire nation under a lockdown due to Covid-19, Pastor Chris Ritter begins a new series based on Paul’s epistle to the Philippians during his two-year time under house arrest.
Message: Easter Sunday 2020 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 4/12/20. “Here’s the truth… there were no big worship services on the first Easter.” Pastor Chris explains at the open of this message. "There were no big family dinners. There was no dressing up and going to service. What the first Easter was was a set of individual encounters with Jesus.”
Message: Good Friday 2020 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 4/10/20.
Message: There Was Jesus Part 6 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 4/5/20. Pastor Chris concludes the There Was Jesus series with this message drawn from John chapters 18 and 19, focusing on Pontius Pilate's encounter with Jesus, teaching that it was little wonder Pilate didn't understand who Jesus really was even as the Son of God Himself stood trial before the Roman governor. "The disciples, who were with Him for three years, still didn’t get Jesus," says Pastor Chris.
Message: There Was Jesus Part 5 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 3/29/20. In Part 5 of the There Was Jesus message series, Pastor Chris preaches from the Gospel of John chapter nine where Jesus healed a blind man and gave him a gift that went far beyond the restoration of his sight.
Message: There Was Jesus Part 4 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 3/22/20. "Today we're going to look at someone having the worst day of their life," Pastor Chris says at the open of this message, "and how Jesus showed up in the midst of that." Teaching through John chapter eight and the example of how Jesus interacted with a woman caught in adultery, Pastor Chris preaches about the radical grace Jesus offered to someone who was utterly shamed and defenseless.
Message: There Was Jesus Part 3 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 3/15/20. Pastor Chris teaches from John 4 in this third installment of the message series There Was Jesus as he shares the story of Jesus' interaction with the Samaritan woman at the well who had tried—and failed—to fill the longing in her heart with empty relationships.
Message: There Was Jesus Part 2 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 3/8/20. In this message, Pastor Chris teaches about the life-changing encounter Nicodemus – a Pharisee and spiritual leader – had with Jesus, who told Nicodemus he must be “born again” to see the Kingdom of God.
Message: There Was Jesus Part 1 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 3/1/20. Pastor Chris opens this new series entitled "There Was Jesus" with a message drawn from John 1 as we look into the first encounters Philip and Nathanael had with Jesus.
Message: Elijah Part 4 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 2/23/20. Concluding the Elijah series, Pastor Chris preaches from 2 Kings chapter two, sharing how Elijah's ministry was brought to completion with him passing the torch to his protege, Elisha.
Message: Elijah Part 3 by Pastor Tony Hawkins, 2/16/20. Pastor Tony Hawkins delivers the third installment of this series on Elijah with a message drawn from 1 Kings 19.