We believe in teaching the Word of God.
We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and value the reading, teaching, and preaching of the Word in order to understand God, the world, others, and ourselves. Life is complex and often heartbreaking; we believe the answers to life's big questions are found in knowing and following Jesus Christ. Studying His teachings is one of the best ways for us to get closer to Him.
First Methodist archives the weekly messages taught in our services via our YouTube channel. Stream any of these teachings below.
Message: The Music of Christmas Part 3 - Hark, the Herald Angels Sing by Pastor Chris Ritter, 12/25/22. In this Christmas Day message, Pastor Chris uses a classic Christmas carol to share the rich truths of the gospel.
Message: The Music of Christmas Part 2 - Silent Night by Pastor Chris Ritter, 12/24/22. "Silent Night," one of the most famous Christmas carols of all time, has for more than two hundred years carried the story of the birth of Jesus across the world.
Message: The Christmas Blessing by Conner Brinson, 12/18/22. Conner Brinson shares a message about the promise of God's blessing first given to Abraham and how we, as followers of Christ, are empowered with that same blessing—despite our imperfections.
Message: Wonderful Counselor by Pastor Chris Ritter, 12/11/22. Pastor Chris shares a message during Geneseo First Methodist's annual Celebrate The Season service about a name of Jesus revealed in Isaiah 9: "Wonderful Counselor." "If you're following Jesus, the Wonderful Counselor, you're not fighting for victory, you're fighting from victory," proclaims Pastor Chris. "He's already defeated death, hell, and the devil on your behalf."
Message: The Music of Christmas Part 1 - Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus by Pastor Chris Ritter, 12/4/22. The songs we sing at Christmas carry rich truths about the person and work of Jesus. In this message series, Pastor Chris shares how the gospel is powerfully revealed in Christmas carols like "Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus" and how our hearts should be opened to His work in us every day.
Message: Ready, Set, Christmas! by Pastor Tony Gatter, 11/27/22. Guest speaker Pastor Tony Gatter teaches from Luke 21 on being ready for Jesus during the Advent season and every season of our lives.
Message: Let Your Thinking Lead to Thanking by Pastor Chris Ritter, 11/20/22. Reflecting upon God's blessings, Pastor Chris teaches from Psalm 100—a song of thanksgiving—and calls us to a life of gratitude.
Message: Revival From the Roots - Part 5: Organizing to Beat the Devil, 11/13/22. Concluding this message series, Pastor Chris teaches from Romans 12 about the powerful move of the Holy Spirit that is possible when believers stop standing on the sidelines and commit themselves to serving God.
Message: Revival From the Roots - Part 4: Power to Change by Pastor Chris Ritter, 11/6/22. Pastor Chris teaches from Ephesians 4 on how God empowers us to turn away from the sins that separate us from Him - a process known as sanctification.
Message: Revival From the Roots - Part 3: Growing Small by Pastor Chris Ritter, 10/30/22. Continuing to lay out the vision for a vibrant faith that is firmly rooted in movements of revival that came before, Pastor Chris shows how Acts 2 gives us a blueprint for life in Jesus today that includes small group gatherings that challenge and edify us to walk closer with God.
Message: Revival From the Roots - Part 2: Primitive Faith, by Pastor Chris Ritter, 10/23/22. Teaching from 2 Corinthians 5, Pastor Chris explains the origins of Wesleyan traditions and how they were always rooted in a desire to connect with God in a deeper way.
Message: Revival From the Roots - Part 1, by Pastor Chris Ritter, 10/16/22. In the opening message of this series, Pastor Chris speaks on the difference between an "almost Christian" and an "altogether Christian" and how we, like John Wesley, can have a personal, transformative experience with the living God that not only changes our lives forever but empowers us with by Holy Spirit to change the world around us.
Message: What Happens When We Pray? by Tim Brinkman, 10/9/22. Teaching from James 5, Tim Brinkman shares a message about the miraculous gift of prayer with a reminder that God wants us to not only pour our hearts to him as we pray, but wait upon Him to speak to us as well.
Message: The Table of the Lord by Pastor Chris Ritter, 10/2/22. Pastor Chris teaches from 1 Corinthians 11 on the meaning and power of Holy Communion. "Every time we come, we do it in remembrance of Jesus," says Pastor Chris. "We do it in anticipation of His final victory, and we do it with recognition that He's with us now."
Message: extraORDINARY by Conner Brinson, 9/25/22. "What makes someone extraordinary?" asks Conner Brinson in this message about how God uses ordinary people to accomplish His supernatural will drawn from the book of Acts.
Message: Finding Meaning in a Meaningless World - Part 3 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 9/18/22. Concluding this message series from the book of Ecclesiastes, Pastor Chris teaches about how this book is a call to seek out the answers to the big questions in life - and how Jesus gives us the answers to those questions.
Message: Finding Meaning in a Meaningless World - Part 2 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 9/11/22. Pastor Chris examines what the book of Ecclesiastes tells us about wisdom, suffering, character, aging, and the meaning of life.
Message: Finding Meaning in a Meaningless World - Part 1 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 9/4/22. How do we find the purpose of our lives in a cynical, postmodern world where even the very notion of objective truth is called into question? Pastor Chris delves into the book of Ecclesiastes to find God's answers to these big questions of purpose, meaning, and existence.
Message: Follow Your Heart (Straight Into Disaster) by Tim Brinkman, 8/28/22. "Follow your heart" is some of the most common advice we hear in life. But in this message drawn from Jeremiah 17, Tim Brinkman holds that advice up to the scrutiny of scripture and shows that it's a recipe for disaster.
Message: Plotline - Part 6: New Creation by Pastor Chris Ritter, 8/21/22. Concluding the Plotline series, Pastor Chris preaches from Revelation and shares the promise of new creation given to us by God.
Message: Plotline - Part 5: Church by Pastor Chris Ritter, 8/14/22. In part five of this message series, Pastor Chris preaches on what the Bible tells us about the passion, problems, and perseverance of Jesus' church.
Message: Plotline - Part 4: Jesus by Pastor Chris Ritter, 8/7/22. Pastor Chris teaches about the most important theme of the entire Bible: the fulfillment of God's plan of salvation for the world through His Son, Jesus Christ.
Message: Plotline - Part 3: Israel by Pastor Chris Ritter, 7/31/22. Pastor Chris gives a message on one of the six major themes of the Bible: how God chose the nation of Israel to deliver on His promise of salvation for the whole world.
Message: Plotline - Part 2: Fall by Pastor Chris Ritter, 7/24/22. In this message, Pastor Chris explains the origins of sin and evil in our world and explains how love can only exist where there is free will.
Message: Plotline - Part 1: Creation by Pastor Chris Ritter, 7/17/22. The Bible comprises sixty-six books that together tell one story: the life-changing power of God in our lives through Jesus Christ. In this new message series, Pastor Chris explains the six major themes of the Bible, beginning with this message entitled "Creation.”
Message: Keep the Home Fires Burning by Pastor Chris Ritter, 7/10/22. Pastor Chris preaches from Isaiah 51, telling us "there's tremendous power when we go back to the place where we first said 'yes' to Jesus." "When we get to heaven, there won't be Methodists, or Catholics, or Baptists," he says. "There will just be blood-bought children of God."
Message: True Freedom by Pastor Sarah Wanck, 7/3/22. Teaching from Acts chapter two, Pastor Sarah Wanck shares a message about how God can bring profound change and true freedom to our lives through Jesus Christ. "They say that people can't change," says Pastor Sarah. "Sometimes, it's entirely true that people don't change. And then there's the occasional circumstance where one actually does and the person you thought they were isn't the person they are anymore."
Message: The Prepared Place by Rev. Angela Pleasants, 6/26/22. Teaching from the Gospel of John 14:1-7, Rev. Angela Pleasants shares a message the "farewell discourse" Jesus gave to His disciples before His crucifixion. “Even though the disciples had been following (Jesus) these three years and sitting under His teaching, they did not fully understand the Messiah,” says Rev. Angela. "So Jesus is sharing His 'farewell discourse' to prepare them."
Message: Does the Depth of Your Faith Cause Controversy? by Pastor Mike Morgan, 6/19/22. Pastor Mike Morgan brings a bold challenge from Mark 2 and an exhortation to let our faith cause controversy by being fully open to the work of Jesus in our lives.
Message: "Smiles Everyone" by Lance Leeds, 6/12/22. Pastor Lance Leeds brings a message about joy drawn from Philippians 2. "Basically, there are two kinds of people,” explains Pastor Lance. "Those who choose joy and those who don’t... what kind of person are you?"
Message: "We Would See Jesus" by Jeff Tunberg, 6/5/22. Jeff Tunberg brings a message from John chapter 12, speaking about the need each of us has, deep down, for a relationship with Jesus. "Wouldn't it be great if the whole world went after Jesus today?" Jeff asks. "Why would we see Jesus? Because we want to see God."
Message: "Barb's Final Witness" by Pastor Tony Hawkins, 5/29/22. Pastor Tony Hawkins preaches a message incorporating the final witness of his sister-in-law, Barbara Elzy, before her passing in March 2022. "In her dying, she wanted her life to be a witness," says Pastor Tony. "Her final witness isn't about her; it's about God's great faithfulness to her."
Message: The Heart of the Matter by Pastor Bob Phillips, 5/22/22. Pastor Bob Phillips brings a message from the Mark chapter 12 that unpacks the meaning behind Jesus' teaching to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength" and "Love your neighbor as yourself."
Message: Throw a Party! by Dr. Roger Ross, 5/15/22. Dr. Roger Ross shares a message from the Gospel of Matthew and a challenge to evangelism through inviting a mix of churched and unchurched friends, family, and neighbors to a "Matthew Party."
Message: Winning the War in Your Mind - Part 3 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 5/8/22. In this series-concluding message, Pastor Chris teaches from Philippians 4 and shares the biblical prescription for overcoming anxiety and worry.
Message: Winning the War in Your Mind - Part 2 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 5/1/22. In part two of the Winning the War in Your Mind message series, Pastor Chris continues to teach through the biblical model of how to fight the battle that constantly goes on between our own ears and uses an analogy of buzzards and hummingbirds to illustrate how our thoughts shape our destiny.
Message: Winning the War in Your Mind - Part 1 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 4/24/22. "Between our ears is the main battle we fight every day," says Pastor Chris at the open of this message. Teaching from 2 Corinthians, Ephesians, and Romans, Pastor Chris outlines how God enables us to leave behind dysfunctional habits in how we process the world and let Him blaze new trails in our thinking.
Message: "I Am the Resurrection and the Life" by Pastor Chris Ritter, Easter Sunday 4/17/22. In this Easter Sunday message, Pastor Chris teaches from John 11 and explains how the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead relates to all of us in our own lives.
The I AM Sayings of Jesus Part 6, "I Am the True Vine" by Pastor Chris Ritter, 4/10/22. "I am the true vine," declared Jesus in John 15. "If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." In this message, Pastor Chris explains this analogy Jesus used about himself and illustrates what "abiding" in Him really means.
The I AM Sayings of Jesus Part 5, "I Am the Way and the Truth and the Life" by Pastor Chris Ritter, 4/3/22. "I am the way the truth and the life," proclaimed Jesus in John chapter 14. "No one comes to the Father except through me." In this message, Pastor Chris explains what this proclamation - and the example Jesus set in the hours before His betrayal and crucifixion - means for us as Christ-followers.
The I AM Sayings of Jesus Part 4, "I Am the Good Shepherd" by Pastor Chris Ritter, 3/27/22. "I am the good shepherd," said Jesus in the Gospel of John chapter ten. "The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep… In some ways, 'Jesus is the good shepherd' really is the heart of the gospel," says Pastor Chris as he breaks down what this statement means for us and our relationship with Jesus.
The I AM Sayings of Jesus Part 3, "I Am the Light of the World" by Pastor Chris Ritter, 3/20/22. "I am the gate for the sheep," declared Jesus in the Gospel of John chapter 10. "Whoever enters through me will be saved." In this message, Pastor Chris explains what this statement means and challenges us with this question: "What is really living to you?"
The I AM Sayings of Jesus Part 2, "I Am the Light of the World" by Pastor Chris Ritter, 3/13/22. "I am the light of the world," proclaimed Jesus in the Gospel of John chapter 8. "Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." Continuing this series on "The I AM Sayings of Jesus," Pastor Chris preaches a message on how Jesus' teachings about light and truth apply to us today.
The I AM Sayings of Jesus Part 1, "I Am The Bread of Life" by Pastor Chris Ritter, 3/6/22. "I am the bread of life," said Jesus in John chapter 6, and Pastor Chris explains what this statement means and how it can transform our faith.
In The Beginning - Part 8 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 2/27/22. Pastor Chris concludes the In The Beginning series with this message about Joseph and how God turned his tragedy into triumph—but only because Joseph was willing to forgive the brothers who betrayed him.
Trust In The Lord by Shaun Easton, 2/20/22. In this message drawn from Proverbs 3:5-6 and his own testimony, Shaun Easton shares a challenge about putting our faith fully in God instead of money, politicians, people around us, or ourselves.
In The Beginning - Part 7 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 2/13/22. Pastor Chris teaches through Genesis 37 and 39 about Joseph—who was betrayed, kidnapped, falsely accused, and unjustly imprisoned—and how God moved through through his life in a miraculous way.
In The Beginning - Part 6 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 2/6/22. In this message continuing the In The Beginning series, Pastor Chris teaches from Genesis chapters 28 through 32 about Jacob, again underscoring how God uses imperfect people to accomplish His perfect mission.
Message: In The Beginning - Part 5 by Tim Brinkman, 1/30/22. "Have you ever taken a shortcut and immediately regretted it?" asks Tim Brinkman at the open of this message drawn from Genesis chapters 12 through 21. "Abraham and Sarah, they were absolutely heartsick over the fact that they had no child. And that heartsickness led them to a place where they found their faith in crisis and they looked for a shortcut."
In The Beginning - Part 4 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 1/23/22. Continuing the In The Beginning series, Pastor Chris teaches through Genesis chapters six through eight and shares the story of Noah and the worldwide flood that brought destruction upon the earth but also made a way for humankind to be restored to God. “It's almost like God is taking this fallen earth back to where it started with a watery chaos," says Pastor Chris. "He's taking creation back to the chaos in which it started in order to bring a new start."
In The Beginning - Part 3 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 1/16/22. Pastor Chris continues this series through Genesis with a message about the destructiveness of sin drawn from the tragedy of Cain and Abel found in chapter four.
In The Beginning - Part 2 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 1/9/22. "Eden was a place of life, abundance, companionship, purpose, and divine fellowship," says Pastor Chris as he teaches through Genesis 3 and the account of the Garden of Eden. "So, what went wrong?"
In The Beginning - Part 1 by Pastor Chris Ritter, 1/2/22. Pastor Chris begins the new year with a new series and a message from Genesis 1 that establishes God’s love for us and plan for all humanity.